Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Siteseeing Seattle

Wednesday 21st May
David still not 100% only had OJ for breakfast. 

bahahahahahahaha sooo funny we went to the front desk of the hotel to ask about buses to the city.
Front desk clerk: "are you here to...mumble mumble mumble........whaddya want!!"

we then walked to the bus stop and caught the bus to the city.  A young woman on the bus told us where to get off and that Pike Place was a good place to go visit.  It was amazing some of the stalls looked like that were out of the 1950's, we then hopped on another bus and went up to the Space Needle, built in 1962 for the World's Fair it is an amazing peice of engineering, we had coffee up the top and stayed up there for over an hour looking around trying out the telescopes and interactive screens.

We got on yet another bus to go to the zoo.  At one stop we approached the driver to ask if it was the stop for the zoo.
Bus driver: Looking ahead, straight, dead pan face, shaking head.
it cracked us up!!!

Then at the ticket office for the zoo we are the ONLY people within cooee of the ticket window.
David: 2 adults please
ticket guy: 2 adults?
Me: yes please
ticket guy: 6????? quizzical look on face
us: no 2 please
OMG so funny

The zoo is so cool.  Although I am a little disappointed with the elephant enclosure ( you CANNOT beat Taronga for an elephant enclosure).  As zoos go it's very pretty and it does help that it's a cool day we have worn jackets all day!!

We catch another bus to the market we went to last night so we can buy some food for dinner.  We buy delicious premade meals and come home to watch Survivor the finale.
Space Needle

Space Needle selfie

elephant selfie

how cool is this???

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